Plaster Fairies with Trinity

So today me and Trinity made some beautiful fairies to paint that my Mum had given Trinity for Christmas. It was a really warm day, and Xander had a sunburn from when he was at Mum's last, so we have ended up housebound today.

Xander was down for a snooze and Trin and I decided together to give this a shot.

We had go 2 lots of powdered plaster, paint, glitter glue and moulds.

We had to guess how much water to put in, but here is Trin mixing up the first batch :)

Our first batch of plaster turned out so well. And our fairies and hearts etc. all moulded up well. Mine is left and Trin's is right. My tip is that once the plaster is in the mould lightly tap onto a flat surface to release the air bubbles.

Our second bath was a bit of a race against time in the warmth of the Kitchen, and halfway set as we got it into the moulds. Mine is left and Trin's is right.

Once they were all painted up, this is what they ended up like. Such a great activity for my gorgeous 5year old step daughter and she had a ball.

Whilst the moulds were setting (an all of 5mins) we did a jigsaw puzzle together too.

And yes. We had a lazy day in our PJ's. We are all still a bit tired from Christmas.


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