Almost Like a Fountain

When I was pregnant, I read some of the most hilarious blog posts ever. From people's kids profusely spewing, poo explosions, and the explorative bubba's sticking fingers up their Dad's noses.

Some even had video evidence of their children's mischief and still, that did not shock me enough for what was really coming...

Up until two days ago, I have had an angel baby. If she had poo explosions, it was more a trickle out from the legs than an explosion. Ha and to think I thought that was an explosion!
Elle had only ever spat up the tiniest bit. To top it off hardly cry or anything. Best baby any Mum could ever ask for.

And then came her first ever vaccinations...
Apart from Hep B at birth.

(oh and please no one pull the anti-vaccination crap in the comments, I make my own decisions for my child and if it prevents her getting something nasty like whooping cough, then of course I will do it!)

My poor baby girl screamed her poor heart out. I felt like I could of cried, because it went from smiles and laughs, to not even having the comfort of a boob shoved in her mouth to console that cry. Boob normally works but NOT this time!

Within a whole of a minute and two needles later my happy bubby went. I'm so proud of her though. She is a troop. After a bit of a cuddle with Mum and a bit of peek-a-boo I got my little happy chickadee back.

but the following night, the rotavirus's vaccination came with a vengeance. Good ol' side effects. The Maternal health nurse said their may be spewing and loose stools, but not a fountain of vomit as she power spews while lying on the floor with it coming all straight back onto her face, and whilst bathing her after that mess, for the bath water to change colour to a peanut butter/puke yellow.

and all at 4am... The things we do for our children. Now after that little spout of illness she was all smiles and talking as I typed this, now sleeping.

So yes, I now feel very sorry for the poor parents behind those blog posts, and now I also believe that a 10 week old baby can really power spew onto her own face fountain style.

Moral of the story is, anything can happen when it comes to children....


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