Organising My Home #2 - Above the Fridge

Today I decided to make use of a different area of my kitchen and tidy it up a bit. Above my fridge was an awful lazy mess. I wish I had a before photo because it was so forgotten about and generally disgusting. Medications were all over the place, pens in a dirty old cup etc. It was just gross.

First things first I had cleaned the whole area after I had taken everything down and decided what to keep and what not to keep.

I then had a look at what needed a container and decided on my container from there. I contemplated baskets but I wanted a sealed container incase our kittys jumped up and knocked down a whole basket full of medication. I found these sistema containers at my supermarket and decided I could put a lot of other things up there too.

The smaller container holds all of our medication and repeats etc. The bigger container has stationary in it that I want up from the kids. It has separate little compartments that are perfect for stickers, washi tape, glue sticks, pens, staplers etc.

Once it was all in containers I realised this is a perfect location to put my finances folder. Out of reach from my bubba as she loves to pull it apart, and a great location as I do most of my planning in my kitchen at the beginning of the week. I then just chucked up my money jar to go towards our new car, a small glass cup for pens for easy access, and my hole punch, vitamins and Bell's everyday eczema cream.

I am in love with how this turned out. Below I have added in a video for those that want to see what my finances folder looks like.

Cheers and have a good day guys!


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