DoTERRA Essential Oils | On Guard Protective Blend

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If you have followed me for a long time you would be very aware my youngest daughter Eleanor suffers really bad eczema and psoriasis.

And while as a wellness advocate I can't make claims like it's a miracle, or it's a cure, which I'm sure my readers wont take it that way, but it's doesn't not leave me impressed and jumping for joy.

Over the years, plenty of people have always said that, on day you will just find something that "works" and I laugh. And while our journey using this essential oil is very short, it doesn't mean I'm not excited.

For the past 3-6 months, Eleanor had suffered a really bad Golden Staph infection, making her poor little life so hard. Scratching constantly. We decided to give some On Guard a go and the results were instant. We done an allergy test of 1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil and one drop On Guard on her face as the first dose. A bit of tears at first as it worked but no reaction which was great.

Instantly the redness started to go away, slowly receding and scabs falling off leaving healing skin behind. All within half an hour!

Our second dose later that night, we increased the formula to 1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil, to 3 drops On Guard.

The photo on the left was taken immediately before the first all over dose.
the second photo was take half an hours after the second dose.

Already I can see the redness going away, no scabs, healing new skin, no puss and fluid filled area's. Best of all, we had a nights sleep of no scratching. I can proudly say there has been no use of steroid creams for 4 days, and no medications at all. No moisturising even! I am so impressed with the results, beyond what results we have gotten from our doctors visits!

This is something I would recommend to anyone who suffers themselves or child suffers. Just remember to do an allergy test first! Not on the face like us though. We were confident enough to do that as she has never reacted to any of the essential oils in this blend, individually.

If you would like to give Doterra's On Guard blend a go, it is cheaper to register an account to buy oils, and if you would like you can register under me at the link below or find an advocate near you!

I also have a Facebook page with more regular updates of my Oil Journey. (Not to sell products, I don't sell)

Happy Oiling!

I have only registered an account with Doterra to take advantage of 25% RRP and product of the month specials, as well as points to use on free product. I am not selling actively. I am only doing this as a personal journey, and if it helps other people with the same issues as us, that's the best bit. 
This is all very new to me, and I am learning everyday. I am not here to say it will work for everyone, or  it's a cure. You should always consult with a doctor first, and I do not claim to be a replacement for your doctor.


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