Xander's Domain - Chalkboard Table

If you read this blog regularly, then you would know that when Xander was developing he did meet his physical milestones, but other developmental area's like speech, problem solving and educational were a bit of a struggle. More so recently since he has been at Kindergarten, he has had a wonderful gateways worker, working with his to help develop those area's in par with working with a speech pathologist and occupational therapist.

Through working with Gateways at his Kindergarten, there was one area that Xander was failing to meet. One was he was isolating himself from other children (social aspect) and the other area was his creativity.

In the terms of creativity, he loves his cars. He refuses to try and tell a story whilst playing, and the other is more so the fact that he refuses to go outside the box.
So if he plays with his cars, he will not tell a story, like he wont pretend his cars are driving to the petrol station, or driving in the country or city etc.
And going outside the box lines up with trying new things like that, but personally I feel as though it also includes his will to learn. Like to learn how to use scissors, or painting/colouring in the lines.

These are his two biggest issues.
So I have created a chalkboard table.

This idea was a long time coming. A couple weeks ago my Mum visited, and she came bearing Chalkboard paint that she had brought from Aldi for $10 and she accidentally brought red. I found this brilliant as I am so used to spoiling Trin as I adapted myself that way. More so clothing with Trinity and many things I like she loves.

As Adrian and I were re-arranging our house last night, we found that the coffee table just didn't fit in the lounge room, so it was moved to Xander's room. In the room, it just didn't look like a boys table. It was a bit of an eyesore I felt. Then I remembered that I still had white paint from when I painted our cupboard as well as the red chalkboard paint. This is where my creativity came into play.

I painted the legs white, and put a white boarder on.
I used the red chalkboard paint for the top. Keep in mind that if you get the same chalkboard paint, a little goes a long way for the first coat.

So, my idea for this to help Xander in these area's is like this.
I put a white non-chalkboard paint around the area's to teach colouring in the lines simply first.
With Xander he loves his cars.
So this is where the chalkboard comes into play.
I am going to teach Xander to draw roads for his cars to travel on.
He can then used the roads to tell a story.
I am going to use some of his old play wooden blocks to create houses and skyscrapers.
So he can choose rural or city.
I am going to also purchase some plastic animals, tree's etc. so he can also imagine his cars driving through the country.

This will hopefully embark Xander to use his imagination, and also more speech, as well as venture outside the box and try new things.

When the children are back home, I will post an update about how well Xander has taken to his new play area. As well as if his train of thought has changed and he has started to venture outside of the box.

Thank-you once again for reading :)


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