The Journey to Me - Fitness Apps??

So welcome to my new little segment which is "The Journey to Me" !!
This little piece is basically all about finding me after having my beautiful girl, to be the best version of me (being happy), achieving goals, and inspiring myself to reach for the clouds!
So today I am talking more so about a fitness app I found that has really helped me the past week in my first area I want to venture down on The Journey to Me! Which is fitness.
The biggest thing since being off my feet after a ceserean and also with being pregnant, was I noticed my ankles got really really weak. Kind of sucks, but I noticed they were the sorest part of my body if I stood up for a long period of time, or went for a walk. I tackled a 1km walk after I had Elle, when she was about 2 1/2 months old, and my ankles were killing me. I went to see professionals about it, and well I was told my ankles were weak. Yay! Kidding...
So anyways, after my recommendations, and a bit of research, yoga, stretching and squats were one of the biggest excersise I found to really help build them. And after a heap more research, found that apps were being made for things like walking and squats. Learn something new everyday. Just proves I am behind on the times a bit here.
So I ventured on and had a look at the app store on my trusty old tablet, and found a good series of apps called runtastic. It was more so appealing as there was step counting, walking, push ups, sit ups, and squats. Easy integration between them all.
I downloaded all, and I have completely fallen in love with the squats app and I am 100% considering buying the full versions of all, and venturing onto buying their fitness bands (like the fit bit).
The main reason I have loved this is because it doesn't push you too hard and allows you to slowly develop your skills. You work in 4 sets of squats which slowly increases in amount every session, and the 4th set being the longest set as that is when you do as many squats as you can in a row. Its pretty simple to use as well, just hold your device out infront of you, arms and back straight, and well squat... It counts the squats you do and gives little glass breaking noises etc. When you start getting close to your record. As in smashing your record.
Best bit is, you go at your own pace. Which for me having done little to no excercise in my whole life is brilliant. It pushes me that little bit furthur every session.
You can set goals, as well as see how your previous sessions stack up to each other. And earn badges for hiting different records. Like 20 squats, 50 squats, 500 squats etc.
The only problem I have found so far, is that it can either be touchy sometimes and count an extra one, or not count the one you have done at all. But it happens a very very very minimal amount. But could very possible that it is just my tablet.
I have just included a few snap shots to this as well, so you can kind of see how the runtastic squats app looks like. I thoroughly enjoy this app and it is very very easy to use and well laid out.
I hope you have all enjoyed reading this, bye for now xoxox


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