Easy DIY Breadcrumbs!

If you're anything like me, I buy all of my weeks food at the beginning of the week.
And a fair few of my home made recipies that I have started making recently involve breadcrumbs.

For the past month I have been trying to find a decent way of making them with fresh bread as I like the fresh better than toasted or stale.

And better again, I like using the multi-grain bread as it adds grains into our foods every night.

Last night when making Meatballs, and again tonight with making Hamburgers, I used this really effective way, and it so worked! So if you freeze your bread like I do, then you're on a winner!

I had a couple loaves that were un-sliced so I have used those to get them used and out of my freezer.
So I sliced it roughly while still frozen. and surprisingly it was easier that unfrozen.

Then I simply cut the bread into cubes.

Then into the blender (although a food processor would do a better quicker job)

And then I had perfects bread crumbs!

Hope this helps you all out :)


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