Blended Family Worries!

I am in my last trimester now, very scary!
To be honest, I feel as though the worries that come along with pregnancy, especially the final trimester, are worse for a step-mum.

Not only am I worried about how bubs is developing (which she is very happy and healthy might I add), and how prepared I am to be a first time Mum, I also worry about my two other babies.

Some of the questions running through my head are very serious, and I do wonder if I have prepared Trinity and Xander well enough for it. It can be quite daunting in all honesty. I do understand that I need to stress less, but at the same time the answers to all of the questions in my head will decide on how the kids lives until they are only enough to make their own foot print on the world.

If you are in the same situation as me, step-parenting in a 50/50 custody arrangement, note that these concerns are very normal, you're not alone, and we are all going through it. Feel free to start a discussion in the comments if you need, we are all here to support each other.

I am not going to say names of the other family, but there is another child in the mix as well.
About a week ago, Trinity and Xander's biological Mother has had another child. Congratulations to her if she is ever reading this. Every child is a miracle and a blessing and I cannot be happier for you.

No doubt in my mind, we have had the same questions running through our heads.

How will the children cope?
How will we cope with one child one week and 3 the next?
Will the kids all like each other?
Will the kids struggle with one parent and sibling one week and different the next?
Will it effect all the children's development and routine?
Will it effect the children's education?
Will all the children attend the same places for education and extra-curricular activities?
Will there be a hell of a lot of fighting between children?
Are there other ways to make this consistent for the kids?
Will Trinity and Xander feel left out?

I feel as though all the questions above are very normal, and none have an answer until it comes time to deal with this stage.

Trinity and Xander will receive no less attention and affection from me. They will be treated the same as they are now. That is all that matters at this point in time.

My biggest tip to stop the worries, is take every day as it comes. Show them nothing will change.
The house may change, their may be another person in your home, but your love for them, routine, and schooling will not change.

If you need to like me, I am preparing my hospital bags before Christmas even though Eleanor is due in Feb, so after Christmas, I will be spending my time with the children and not worrying about anything alse. After all, in January, there will only be two weeks of just me, Adrian, and the kids. That time is precious.


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