Calling Australian Etsy Sellers!

Hello to all,

As many are well aware, I am a PR Friendly blog. I am 100% happy to work with businesses.

If you read my blog, watch me on Youtube, or follow my social media, you will know I love unique items. I am an advocate for old school parenting, meaning minimal technology, and non-generic items. I love things that tell a story about the type of people we are as a family, that show I support Australian Business as well. I am a huge advocate of supporting local and Australian.
I try my very hardest to abide by this.

I have been trying hard to gain readers who share the same values as I do, which I have succeeded and made good friends along the way. Now I am comfortably at a point I would like to venture out of my comfort zone and get people supporting handmade items, and Australian products, and most of all expand my blog further and write about what I love and work with people that genuinely share these same values. This is where my new venture and proposal comes in.

As I sit here at 12.31am in the morning, in bed typing this on my phone next to my sleeping partner, I am calling all Australian Etsy Sellers to join my blog and passion. It is very simple.

You are proud of your work. Now is the time to show off something you do different to others maybe, or show your skills at sewing and handcrafted items. Your wonderful customer service and the overall passion you have for what you create. I will also get to enjoy my passion of sharing these wonderful idea's with other Mum's and friends. Even just people interested in general, for themselves or buying for a friend.

A PR Relationship is very simple and this is how it works:

I'm not scary. Each individual has a story. Tell me about your beautiful company, what makes you sew/create.
Tell me how you started and have a conversation in general.

Dealing is simple. Although I cannot post about your products if I do not have one. It can include supplying for free, or I can pay part price if the price is what I am comfortable paying, (my 3 children come first). I am not fussed! I am looking for what makes you unique! What makes your business special. Could be the design of a burp cloth, or materials you use to make your products. You could have eczema friendly materials. I am looking for that spark.

The final and easiest step of all. Send a beautiful product. I will take happy snaps, and write my review about your business. I may even make a video if I choose. It's all done at random. Please keep in mind I am currently changing my blog. Venturing into photography to make products look their best. If it is child related, you may see my daughter wearing it in instagram photo's next year once she is born, or even my step-children now. Also keep in mind, I will be posting my honest thoughts. If it doesnt work for me, does not mean it wont work for someone else. I am not nasty, just honest but also appreciative and not out on an agenda to hurt someone's lifestyle. I want to be able to show others how the product works, so they can make up their own mind, but also be able to have my opinion about it.

If you are happy with my work, you can come back at any time. Work with me again. I love great PR relationships. Could simply be to continue talking to me on social media, letting me know about a sale you are having, or even create a product with me! I would love to stay in contact always.

I really look forward to hearing from people and I hope people are willing to join this journey with me, as well as create a new journey for themselves.

Feel free to email me at any time with any questions you may have!

Thank you for reading!


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