Late Night Thoughts

I have to admit. I am out of routine and generally bored. Every second week I am home by myself, I hardly leave our house when my kids aren't home for personal reasons. I am bored.

I want to start a new adventure in life after Eleanor is born, I just have no clue what.

I have many questions running through my head.

How soon is too soon to go to work after having a baby?
How will it affect my family?
How do I make arrangements for my kids?
Will they fell left out?
Do I make it work and work from home or get a good paying job?
Do I study first?

I have two options I would love to do with my life. Both have pro's and con's.

Work in conservation
I would love to go very far in this. Although where I want to use these skills, it would be very very hard on my family.
I would love to go to uni and study a bachelor if environmental sciences and work for DEPI following in my Dad's footsteps. Biggest problem is, during fire season I would be a fire fighter. I would have standby's where I could not leave my home incase I need to leave for a fire, and if a largescale fire comes, I could be on the other side of the state away from my kids for a week or more. It can happen regularly.

I was and still am so proud of my Dad for his work never once have I held his profession against him. He saves lives and during off season, maintains bushland to be accessible so saving lifes isnt difficult and access is easy. Although my family is completely different. I am not sure if my kids would be happy with me distancing myself, would it put a brick wall in our relationship? I dont know.

Online Business
I am a crafty person. I would love to regain my passion with sewing and create things for my daughter and to sell as well for other people to enjoy.
My ethics of parenting etc. And supporting Australian would play a huge role in my work and online business.
I am good at working with people, I always have been. Could this be an option for me? I have done partial studies in Allied Health and worked in the industry. I strive to find cheaper alternatives and also have an artistic mind. This is what has aided the education side of things for Trinity and Xander.

The only problem is, I tend to be very undisciplined. I would only be selling what I have already made. No made to order stuff. I have no clue where to source fabrics and I would love to work with businesses to create my own fabric prints. There are so many area's that I will need to look at to accomplish my goals. I want to strive to be different.

What do the Mum's reading this think?
Have you come to a speedbump like this in life before where you cant seem to find an answer?
How did you finally figure out where to go in life and choose what was best for your family?


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