33 Week Pregnancy Update ♥

Phew, 33 weeks already. Time is flying by.....

So I had a midwife appointment last week so I will run through the details of this! And what came after that. Some maybe a little TMI so if your not into pregnancy updates, don't read on!

So I went for my appointment last Wednesday. Once again my midwife is such a beautiful woman. I enjoy my appointments every momth with her. Bubs was sitting very very high, with her bum sitting right between my breasts. Elle has been a lovely little darling the whole pregnancy sitting there. Only problem was I was eating a lot less because she was sitting so high, so I was having almost 10 snacks and 2 light meals a day.

Every time I told someone that, they were shocked by this, saying I was eating "too much", but well my weight once again proved that theory wrong.. For the 3rd month in a row I am 92kg. I have lost weight while Elle is happily gaining weight. I honestly do not know what it is about 92kg, but even at the start of my pregnancy before I had my midwife, I weighed in at 92kg with the doctor..

Elle's heart rate was a little high, but nothing concearning, my blood pressure was perfect as normal, my backpain from my fractured tailbone had regulated from unbearable to bearable which is great. No morning sickness at all, and only a bit of tiredness.

Elle loves my midwife. Elle isnt a huge kicker which is why this pregnancy was so comfortable up until now. But in saying that, Elle loves my midwife. It must be something about her voice. My last visit at around 29 weeks she stuck her foot right out and wiggled her toes as I was getting my belly measured, and this time when my midwife was feeling her position, she stuck her hand out and basically waved and tried to touch my midwifes hands. And before you comment and say "she was probably hurting her" no she wasnt... my midwife is soo gentle.

So anyways, since Elle was sitting high, my midwife had a lot of trouble finding my cervix to have a feel. My cervix was very very soft. Literally she was having a lot of trouble finding it. She was a little concearned about how high she was. But in saying that, it takes me to what happened next...

So the day after I seen my midwife (at 4pm) on the Friday, Elle dropped. I mean she literally dropped in one whole go. It was a very painful experiance. I wasnt concearned as babies dropping happens, and I knew she had a little  way to drop to get that head in a good position.

The pain wiped away all my energy so I went and had a sleep, but when I got out of bed at 6 came the next stage. Liquid in my downstairs happened. I didnt freak out. Simply had a quick google, and I knew what I needed to do next. I put a lady thing on and laid down for a while. Got up again and liquid in my downstairs happened again.

This time I knew it was time to ring the midwife.
At 10 o'clock at night, I rang the midwife and was explained to me that "because she dropped so hard and fast, it is very likely her head may on ruptured my membranes" and after that came "if it goes yellowy in colour come in tonight, if it stays clear see me in the morning. Bring bags as if it is ruptured we will have to induce you"

I went into panic moment... I was happy, only because I knew she was healthy, and at a very good weight to survive being born premature.  I trusted my midwife. Only thing I was literally concearned about was what in the hell to buy a baby for Christmas that's only a few days old and who would buy it, and whether or not Adrian could wrap them as good as me. Haha sounds harsh but oh so very very true. I am a perfectionist to be more than honest. Sorry babe if you read this!

That night, hardly any sleep was had by me, I was wondering what she would look like, will she be safe, and also I was a bit stressed as my normal doctor was on Holidays. We got up at 8 and headed to see my midwife. And then...... She had delivered a baby at 2am. The baby was born in an ambulance on the side of the road. My midwife was tired, had worked a long shift and wasnt there, I just missed her by a few minutes. I didnt mind, she needed rest so I seen a different midwife.

I got her partner in crime. Awkward moment when she thought it was a routine appointment, and I had to explain I was 33weeks pregnant on the dot and my waters may possibly be broken... the poor midwife then went into panic mode incase she had to deliver another baby.

We done the swabs to see if my waters had broken and all came back negative. I was relieved to be more than honest. Keep this baby in until 2015! But I was told that bubs head was ear deep into my cervix.
I left the checkup happy.

When we got home, my partner then said he basically did not understand what that meant. And I realised I didnt either. Was I dialated but my waters hadn't broken, was I in early stages of labour? I had absolutely no clue.

Luckily my normal midwife rang me later that night to check on me, and I asked. I am just fully effaced, which is apparently very unusual before 36 weeks. So as my midwife explained she is ready to come anytime from now until my due date and may come a little early! Oh joyful!

Only sucky thing now, is now I eat my normal 3 meals a day, and I got to the toilet roughly every half hour! And my tailbone is sore again from the sudden drop. Elle's bum used to be in between my boobs and is now just above my belly button. After the huge ordeal and now knowing she isnt far away, I have started getting the last few things I need for her arrival.

Still need to keep an eye on the leaking though as it may still be a rupture just not strong enough for the tests to pick up. My doctor is back now and he will check again when I see him on the 24th. I still kind of personally believe they have ruptured as it feels as though my belly is slowly going down, but my doctor will check in a couple days and my midwife will check again on my next appointment.

I must admit, it is very weird having a baby sitting low now. Both Elle and I arent used to it. Adrian and myself have made "argh my head is stuck" because of the way Elle puts both of her feet on the bottom of my ribs and pushes down.

So yeah, that's about it for my update! Hope you have all enjoyed this little update on my adventure and I shall talk to you all again soon!


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